How do I let my users book an appointment using my app?

February 23, 2021
  1. You’ll need a booking tool, like Calendly, etc. Sometimes those tools will let you prepopulate fields by passing in URL parameters via the redirect. Review the booking tool's documentation on how to pass URL parameters to their site.
  2. You can set up a redirect block or button to redirect your end-users to your booking page.

For Calendly, once you have an account and a meeting booking page:

  1. Go to the app where you would like to redirect your end-users.
  2. If you’d like to prepopulate fields in your Calendly booking page, like name and email, add a URL block defining your Calendly URL link. 
  3. Copy and paste your meeting booking page URL into the URL block.
  4. Designate the name of the field you’d like to pass from your app to Calendly along with the associated variable value.
  5. Add a redirect block or button to your Calendly URL.

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